Farewell to Mr & Mrs Takewaka, the consulate of general, Japan, Sydney.
The consul-general of Japan in Sydney, Mr Takewaka was so wonderful, I wish he can stay in Sydney for many years.
I am sure many Sydney people have also missed him but we all wish him for his success in his next position, the ambassoder in Laos.
The photo was taken at the consul-general of Japan’s beautiful house.
It was nice taking photos with Mr & Mrs Takewaka, the violinist, Aiko Goto, the calligrapher, Ren Yano and I.
The drummers are Wadaiko Rindo.
Mono no Aware
“Mono no Aware” is a Japanese term for the beauty of impermanence.
I was inspired by a lot of holes on leaves in the English style rose garden.
I made 108 paper leaves then I cut out holes one by one.
I made more than 3,000 beautiful holes in total. Wow what a number!
I am so glad that it went very well as I planned and I am overwelmed to receive many possitive comments about my origami installation.
Glen St Theatre exhibition
I was inspired to create “Whirlpool of Love” by the story of Lake Te Anau in New Zealand and the Japanese story of the Red String.
The lake became wild because a woman didn’t keep a secret…
Spread the love of origami
I enjoy teaching origami at my studio – Shuffle Studio!
If you are in Sydney’s Northern Beaches, why don’t you pop in to my workshop.
The next origami workshop will be on Friday 28 June 7-9pm.
We are making skeleton box. 12 units.
After work on Friday evening, a new way to relax and have fun with your friends..origami workshop!
Wine, origami, laugh with friends….Limited space, booking essential.
Reception for Reiwa-Japan’s new year
Mr Keizo Takewaka of the Consul-General of Japan and Dr Gene Sherman of Sherman Centre for Culture had a dinner together and I was one of the guests in April 2019. The biggest Japanese news paper in Sydney, Nichigo Press in May issue had an article about it.
Photo with the fashion designer, Akira Isogawa at the reception.
Reception for Reiwa-Japan’s new year
I attended at the Consul-General of Japan’s reception in celebration of His Majesty the Emperor’s Accession to the Throne in May 2019.
Photo with the Premier, the Hon Gladys Berejiklian MP at the reception.
Dinner with Gene Sherman and Akira Isogawa at Consul General of Japan
I was at the dinner table with Gene Sherman, Akira Isogawa and Tae Gessner at Consul-General of Japan. There were many wonderful guests and overwhelmed to be there.
The Consul-General showed my kimono bird to Gene and talked about origami.
What an honour!
Origami is Yoga for the mind.
Journalist, Rita Rizk from Channel 7 Today Tonight came to Shuffle Studio to find out about origami.
Yes, it is also a great stress-reliever, plus it’s fun!
Please find the clip here
Pop in to pop up gallery in Seaforth!
I have just install my works at the front window of the pop up gallery in Seaforth.
“Whirlpool of Love” 4 panels x 50×101.5cm
Origami installations
“The New Moon” a round wood with cotton strings
” Little smile” 100 paper cranes
” Dream” white pebbles garden with red strings.
Japan Art Directory – big list of talented artists in Australia
Japan Foundation Sydney has a big list of artist directory.
I am honoured to be listed there.
Please visited the link: https://artdirectory.jpf.org.au/artists/midori-furze/
You can also check the whole list of people. There are so many talented artists in Australia!!