Origami is yoga for the mind…

Spread the love of origami

I enjoy teaching origami at my studio – Shuffle Studio!

If you are in Sydney’s Northern Beaches, why don’t you pop in to my workshop.
The next origami workshop will be on Friday 28 June 7-9pm.
We are making skeleton box. 12 units.

After work on Friday evening, a new way to relax and have fun with your friends..origami workshop!
Wine, origami, laugh with friends….Limited space, booking essential.


2019-05-26T23:25:45+10:00May 26th, 2019|Origami, Workshops|

Catch the cherry blossoms

Origami workshop at the Cherry Blossom Festival, World Square

Digital interaction game was appeared on the big screen. New type of Cherry blossoms festival was on at World Square, Sydney’s Town Hall.
The cherry blossoms on the screen was popped and fell when you moved your arms on the screen. So much fun!

No, no I was working there. I run the origami workshop there and participants can make some origami such as cherry blossoms.

World square midori's workshop

2018-11-25T10:18:54+11:00August 30th, 2018|Origami, Projects, Workshops|

Japanese inspired Origami at Camilla

Camilla invited me for running the workshop

One of the big women’s fashion brand in Sydney, Camilla in Alexandria invite me to run the workshop at their head quator.
They launch a new season dresses with Japanese inspired designs. How cool they are!

Many tall, beautiful people were there with beautiful dresses and they enjoyed folding origami!

2018-11-25T10:13:25+11:00June 25th, 2018|New Work, Origami, Workshops|