Happy 1st anniversary, T Magazine!

Created an origami work for the magazine


My response to the Talented Jordan Turner’s request for their magazine.
T Magazine turns 1. Congratulations, T Magazine!

Paper is a canvas to create, a page to write on. It is a medium to cut, fold and reinvent. Whatever the way you choose to tell the story you want to share, we can all connect with one thing. The act of holding that piece of paper in front of you and watching ideas come to life. That is the paper’s performance.

You can find his full article on T Magazine: https://taustralia.com.au/t-turns-1-papers-performance/# 

2022-04-01T10:50:26+11:00March 16th, 2022|Media, New Work, Projects|

Happy 1st Wedding Anniversary!

Happy 1st Wedding Anniversary Couple

Happy 1st Wedding Anniversary

The first Wedding Anniversary is PAPER!

I have met many happy couples who wanted to do some special events for their first Wedding Anniversary.
Because the first wedding anniversary is paper, they came to the origami workshop to make special origami artworks.

They always tell me some lovely episodes.
Today’s couple told me so many heartwarming stories. One of them is how he proposed to her. Fantastic.

Congratulations and wish both of you happy and lovely lives together forever.

Origami roses
2022-01-28T11:27:25+11:00December 29th, 2021|Origami, Workshops|