Immigration Museum Origami Project

Joy is in creasing

Origami Paper Trail Melbvourne
I facilitated the Origami project, “Origami Paper Trail” for the Immigration Museum Melbourne.
It was a wonderful opportunity for me to promote the immigration, origami and exhibition.
We immigrate from the sea and sky, so we make boats and butterflies. Once we are in Australia, we welcome the new people, so we make hearts!
I hope we will have a lot of hearts in the installation.
Thank you, Keina from SBS Japanese Radio for the nice interview!
Origami Paper Trail
22-28 July 2024
Melbourne Central
Pop in and fold origami! Free event
Origami Paper Trail
SBS Japanese Interview

2024-07-26T12:45:47+10:00July 26th, 2024|Featured, Media, Origami, Service|

Origami Monument Project at Campbelltown

7m Origami Monyument in Campbelltown

My Origami miniature model With Timothy
It is a fantastic opportunity to be a part of the Campbelltown Art Project.
I designed an origami monument for Koshigaya Park in Campbelltown this year.
Koshigaya City in Japan and Campbelltown in Sydney are sister cities and the cities are celebrating their 40th anniversary.
My monument will be about 7 meters high. wow!
Here is the miniature model I created for the presentation.
Origami Mobirus Ring

2024-04-13T09:40:16+10:00April 13th, 2024|Featured, Media, New Work, Origami, Service|

I Love Rain

Origami Koi Fish in the Rain at Night

Night Rain
My New Work, Night Rain
Raindrops in the Koi Fish Pond at Night…
Origami Koi Fish – One sheet of square paper, folded to make a Koi Fish. No scissors to create the shape.

2024-02-16T21:18:12+11:00February 16th, 2024|Featured, New Work, Origami|

Koto workshop at Japan Expo

Koto Workshop at Japan Expo

Midori Plays Koto
One of my other interests is playing music!
Koto is a Japanese traditional musical instrument. It is a regular music we enjoy listening to on New Year’s Day.
However, not many Japanese can play the Koto, some have never seen the real Koto before.
So I would like to make some opportunity for you!
I am going to run the Koto workshops at Japan Expo on Sat 18 November, 10.30-11am & 12-12.30pm
Max 3 participants per session.
Please email me to reserve your spot! Contact me!
Koto group

2023-10-16T22:27:03+11:00October 16th, 2023|Service, Workshops|