Immigration Museum Origami Project

Joy is in creasing

Origami Paper Trail Melbvourne
I facilitated the Origami project, “Origami Paper Trail” for the Immigration Museum Melbourne.
It was a wonderful opportunity for me to promote the immigration, origami and exhibition.
We immigrate from the sea and sky, so we make boats and butterflies. Once we are in Australia, we welcome the new people, so we make hearts!
I hope we will have a lot of hearts in the installation.
Thank you, Keina from SBS Japanese Radio for the nice interview!
Origami Paper Trail
22-28 July 2024
Melbourne Central
Pop in and fold origami! Free event
Origami Paper Trail
SBS Japanese Interview

2024-07-26T12:45:47+10:00July 26th, 2024|Featured, Media, Origami, Service|

Origami Demonstrate at Sydney Flagship Store

Origami Hearts for Valentine’s Day

Cartier Sydney
Celebrate the Valentine’s Day with Origami Hearts!


In 2024, this year I demonstrated the origami hearts at the very popular store, Cartier in Sydney.

There was a queue outside the store to get special gifts for their loved ones.
I was so happy to help celebrate the customers with my origami hearts.


2024-02-16T21:32:29+11:00February 16th, 2024|Origami, Service, Workshops|